Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Fill out our page to learn more or give us a call at (786) 334-5915

How much does it cost?

Your total cost is $2,000, which covers incorporation of your company, website design & hosting and the cost of internet marketing to drive the customers to your site over the next 6 months.

How much will I make when I sell my share of the company?

When you partner with us in the company you will receive a 25% share of the company which we agreed at conception we will buy your shares for 50% of the net capital in the individual company bank account on the 180th day from inception, but in no event less than $2,000 or more than $3,000.  A $3,000 buyout amount after only six months, which we project many sites will achieve, would represent nearly a 100% return on an annualized basis. There is also a chance that we will buy you out earlier than the 180 days.

Is this an investment?

Yes!  This is an investment in your future as an entrepreneur and business owner!  It is not a passive  investment where you put money in a bank account and wait for it to mature and return you a profit.  You are partnering with us in the formation of a company that you will help run and determine its future, but with a safety net of knowing that your money is going to being returned and possibly doubled while you are learning the ins and outs of the online business world.

Am I running the company alone?

No! You are our partner, and we assign an Account Executive that will contact you every 2 weeks to review the current sales, product placements and marketing budget. They will make recommendations but YOU have the final say as to how we proceed going forward. YOU are the captain of your destiny!

What we do to keep your money safe?

There is no commingling of funds between different Client companies and every company has its own bank account, which you will review every 2 weeks with your account executive and no funds will be released until the buy/sell event.

Also no monthly administrative expenses will be taken out of the initial capital. $500 will be used for company entity formation and website creation. All of the remaining $1500 will be used for internet marketing to drive shoppers to the site, using a ramp up budget. The Average Joe Client—You gets paid before the parent company does!

Why are you offering this opportunity?

In this struggling economy, what the country needs are more small business owners to develop more jobs and stimulate the economy. We want the Average Joe to take charge of their own future and see how they can have a piece of the revenues being earned on the internet shopping craze.

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